Second meeting of the unchamber

How not knowing the difference between Sales & Marketing can kill your business

In this dynamic co-facilitated conversation you will understand how to distinguish between sales and marketing to SEAL THE DEAL. This is a crucial distinction that many business owners miss. DON'T BE ONE OF THEM! This Workshop will give you the tools to increase your brand WHILE ensuring that you ask for the sale.

Live HANDS-ON!!! Workshop

April 10, 2020
8:00pm Eastern Time

In this workshop you will:

  • Receive a free downloadable/fillable worksheet to implement what you learn
  • Get the EXACT steps to stay top of mind with your ideal customer
  • Receive the tools to ASK for the sale and create creative calls to action that increase your bottom line
  • Have all of your questions about sales & marketing answered in real-time

Taught by Michelle Y. Talbert

With over 30 years of personal and professional development experience and study, Michelle has leveraged her platform to get her brand in front of luminaries such as Guy Kawasaki, Gary Vaynerchuk and Mark Cuban. She's a sought-after speaker and writer.

Guest presenter Michelle Fletcher

Michelle leads a 50+ person sales organization, living & sharing her passion for nutrition & exercise. She is passionate about sharing what she has learned over the past 9 years as an entrepreneur.

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